A Notch Above Photography Club
July 9th 2022


Scott opened the meeting at 1:05 with Bill, Bob, Tim, Mary, and Clay present.

Bob stated the NAPC treasury has a present balance of $619.04.

Bill showed this month’s photo contest entries, subject: Sunstars on the wide screen TV then members voted with Tim’s image “Fall Scene with Sunstar” garnering first place honors.

Scott reported that the GoDaddy web hosting service will expire in December and that we must decide on a future course of action.  Important questions such as do we need a website, how much are we willing to pay for hosting support, are there less expensive options such as Square Space, could we possibly use Meet Up or Face Book, etc.  Clay and Scott will research these issues and provide an update in August.

Members previously uploaded their Kirkwood Garden field trip images to the NAPC website and Scott showed these on the wide screen TV.  Members were then invited to provide comments,  questions, discuss problems, etc.  There were a total of 22 images including 4 from John F.

Scott chose Using Light as our photo contest topic for August.  A link to an informative YouTube video was posted to the website.

Scott showed a brief video titled “Six Tips to Improve Your Photography by Cropping Your Image.”

With only a few minutes remaining members showed results from our monthly editing exercise.

Tim will be the moderator for our August meeting.

Scott adjourned the meeting at 3:10.