A Notch Above Photography Club
March 13, 2021

Tim began our 5th Zoom meeting at 1:00 p.m. with Bob, Bill, Mike, Mary and Scott present.

This meeting marks the 4th year of existence for NAPC.

As is our normal practice each member in turn described their activities with photography, post processing, etc.

Bob provided a Treasurer’s Report which corrected last month’s balance to show $218.67.  As membership dues have arrived we have a current balance of $393.67. 

 This month’s photo contest had only one entry with Bill submitting an image of Cold Brook Falls using a 6 stop ND Filter.  Congratulations, Bill.

Scott presented Powerpoint slides to discuss the technical and compositional elements of a photo critique.  Following that various images were displayed and members were invited to analyze each image and provide comments.

We previously selected and distributed a RAW image which could benefit from post processing.  Each member displayed their edited image and discussed the steps involved to arrive at a final product.  This exercise proved very informative and was enjoyed by all.

We will repeat this type of exercise for the April 10th meeting.

It was agreed that the topic for the next Monthly Photo Contest will be “Open.”

In April Bob will discuss “Picasa” which is a software program for organizing and editing digital images.

Tim will provide a “Quick Tip” session pertaining to camera settings, composition, or post processing.

Images for the critique session were obtained from: https://www.flickr.com/groups/photographycritique/

The image for the editing exercise was obtained from:


Tim adjourned the meeting at 3:05.