A Notch Above Photography Club
November 12, 2022

The 11/12 NAPC meeting convened at 1:00 with Scott acting as moderator and Charlie and guest Chloe, Bill, Bob, Tim, Mary, and Clay on hand.

As is our practice, members shared any photo related endeavors and also their plans for Thanksgiving. 

Bob provided a Treasurer’s Report indicating a balance of $599.19.

Scott explained the situation with renewing the website with GoDaddy.

Bob garnered top honors in the NAPC Monthly Photo Contest (topic Candlelight) with his image “Before the Crash.”

Scott discussed certain innovative features in On1 Raw 2023.

Members displayed their edits to two photos which we were unable to get to last month.

Bob discussed the finer points involved with Food Photography to include an informative video.

Tim will make some phone calls and determine availability of a restaurant to host a NAPC Christmas dinner

Scott’s Photo Critique presentation will be combined with similar complimentary information from Tim at our December.

The Photo Contest topic for December is “Open.”